Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Senate Republicans to CALL NOW to OPPOSE health care bill

Here are the 14 Republican senators who MUST hear from constituents. Tell them to OPPOSE current Senate health care bill.

Senators are from the following states:

Arkansas - BOTH senators
Maine - to THANK Senator Collins for announcing she will NOT vote to have the bill go forward
Nevada - to THANK Senator Heller for already announcing his opposition to the bill
Tennessee - BOTH senators
West Virginia

On smartphones, phone numbers should be clickable - so the phone will do all the work for you!

Lamar Alexander – TN

John Boozman – AR

Shelley Moore,Capito - WV

Bill Cassidy - LA

Susan Collins - ME

Bob Corker - TN

Tom Cotton - AR

Steve Daines - MT

Jeff Flake - AZ

Cory Gardner - CO

Dean Heller,Dean – NV – THANK him for OPPOSING bill

Lisa Murkowski - AK

Rob Portman - OH

Pat Toomey - PA


Feel free to talk about whatever causes YOU to be against this terrible bill. Here are just a few ideas. Be brief, be factual, be polite. And CALL EVERY DAY.

* Congressional Budget Office - NON-partisan estimated (on Mon., June 26) :
      > Increase the number of people without health insurance by 22 million by 2026

* What's the rush? Take your time and GET IT RIGHT

* MEDICAL groups opposed to bill  include: AMA, pediatricians, OB-GYN, American Heart, American Lung, Nurses - MANY others

* Medicaid defunding of Planned Parenthood - if Senator is pro-life - PP is absolutely NECESSARY to REDUCE the # of abortions

* Bill is actually a HUGE tax cut for the VERY WEALTHY

* Goal SHOULD be - to make ACA BETTER - this is NOT the way to do it

* IF a senator is has expressed concern about the opioid crisis, tell them that this bill would be a DISASTER for opioid treatment. My senator, Rob Portman of Ohio, has made this a signature issue. I've called to say that if he REALLY cares about dealing with opioids, then he MUST opposed the current bill.

Don't want to call?? I understand - I HATE the telephone! I must say, though, that calling is not as scary as you might think. There's a good chance you'll talk to voice mail and not a person. (Don't worry, voice mails absolutely ARE counted by members of congress.)

But...if you really can't abide the idea of calling, please go to this file, where you'll see clickable links that will lead you to each senator's email/contact page.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Knit afghan - perhaps the most beautiful I've ever made

Closeup - giving just a small flavor of detail and texture

Made for niece Jackie McLemore and hubby Jamie.  This is perhaps my favorite of all the afghans I've ever made - and that's really saying something!

Made with two strands of Homespun yarn (Deco), this is super warm and heavy - but they do live in New Hampshire.  The texture doesn't show in the photos at all, but it is amazing - soft and fuzzy.

Pattern can be found in two different books.  A little booklet called "Beginner's Guide: Knit Stitches & Easy Projects" and also in a very good pattern book, "Big Book of Quick Knit Afghans",  Both are available from Amazon and quite possibly your local everyday yarn shop.

The pattern is written quite stupidly in these books, I think.  It's just a horseshoe print and what's called a Trinity stitch, plus seed stitch and and easy bordering pattern.  I did use stitch markers and also a row counter, but the pattern was not hard.  No cables or other things that slow you down.  Intermediate level, I'd say.

Perhaps you'd like more info - including needles, skeins and help with translating the pattern in these books.  If so, leave a comment or contact me with questions.